September 2014 - page 9

Weekly Prayer Roster
Each week during the year the Churches in their prayers, the residents of particular streets in the village, those
who work in the parish and village organizations. Those to be remembered this month are:
7th September
Mayfield, Springfield Way, The Osiers, Stirtloe
14th September
Vineyard Way, Burberry Road, Swan End, Lark End, The Library and its librarians
21st September
The churches of the village: St Hugh’s, St Mary’s, Buckden Methodist Church, also Offord and
Perry Baptist Churches, members of home groups from these and other local churches, min-
isters and all who make our churches welcoming and worshipful places
28th September
Church Street, Mill Road, The Barns, The Old Four Mills
The next Study Lunch will be on Monday 8 September from 12.30 to 2.00 pm in the Methodist School Room, Eve-
ryone welcome. Future dates are Oct 13th, Nov 10th and Dec 8th
Ann Brittain
Thought for the month
Dear all,
One of the biggest and most common misunderstandings people have today about Christianity is that
you become a Christian by “works”! That can take many forms – from the heresy that says that a child
enters the Kingdom of God when they are christened, to the sheer folly of those who insist that God will
accept them because of their “good” deeds! The Bible makes it clear that even the very best of our
deeds are like filthy rags – and you know how far you will get trying to clean anything with a filthy rag!
Even the best, most morally upright person in the world is still a sinner in the sight of a holy God, and
deserves to be punished for their sin. Someone has said that the sight of a person trying to save them-
selves by their ‘works’ suggests nothing so much as a man trying to pull himself up by his own bootlac-
God knew that the only way we could be saved, freed from the guilt and the penalty of our sin, was to
send His only Son into the world to take our place and the punishment we deserved – which He did by
His death on the cross. That is God’s gift for us – we call it ‘grace’, which means that it is free and un-
deserved, and it is when a person accepts that gift, accepts that what Jesus did on the cross was for
them – and it is only in that way – that a person becomes a Christian! Jesus Himself expressed it like
this: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me” (John 14:6), and the
Apostle Peter said of Jesus “There is no other Name…by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
That means that unless you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour, you have no right to call yourself “a
Christian”, nor will you have a place in heaven! But that can change – if you will just admit that you
need God’s forgiveness, and will accept His gift to you.
God bless you all,
Minister, Perry and Offord Baptist
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