October 2013 - page 9

Weekly Prayer Roster
Each week during the year the Churches in their prayers, the residents of particular streets in the village, those
who work in the parish and village organizations. Those to be remembered this month are:
6 October
Field Close, Lincoln Close, Silver Street, Beaufort Drive, St. Hugh’s Road.
13 October
School Lane, Buckden Junior School, Governors, Staff and pupils at the School, Dinner
ladies, our Lollipop Lady and Voluntary Helpers at the School.
20 October
Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows., The Playgroup and Day Nursery, The
Seekers After School Club, The Young People of the Village and would-be Leaders, Buckden
Towers Youth Retreat Centre
27 October
Mayfield, Springfield Close, The Osiers, Stirtloe.
Buckden & District Churches Together
www.bctc.fsnet.co.uk www.churchesbuckden.churchgoers.co.uk
Buckden & District Churches Together - Study Lunch
The next Study Lunch will be on Monday 14 October from 12.30 to 2.00 pm
in the Methodist School Room, Everyone welcome, Contact: Ann Brittain on 812012
Thought for the Month
Each month on this page we are asked to pray for people in different parts of the village. In the same
spirit Pope Francis also has special intentions for prayer each month. One of his intentions for the
month of October this year is for:
People in Despair. That those feeling so crushed by life that they
wish to end it, may sense the nearness of God's love
We all have moments when prayer seems to
be the best thing to do, when we have no other answer. The act of prayer is a recognition that God is
close to us and indicates our closeness to God. Prayer is how we communicate with God.
Also each year in October the Catholic Church celebrates
World Mission Sunday
and Pope Francis’
other prayer intention for the month is:
That the celebration of World Mission Sunday (on the 20
may help all Christians realize that we are not only receivers but proclaimers of God's word
Every Christian is a missionary who carries God’s message to others by their word and example.
It is a happy coincidence that the
Feast of St. Anthony Claret
, the founder of the community of
Claretian Missionaries some of whom live at The Towers, which is on the 24 October, always falls in the
week of World Mission Sunday. St. Claret insisted that his special calling and mission was to preach
God’s Word to all parts of the world. Indeed, soon after founding the community with just himself and
five others, he was appointed as an Archbishop in Cuba. His special calling is now being carried out by
over 3,000 members of his group in 65 countries throughout the world.
Let us bring before the Lord all our prayers for those who have asked us to pray for them and those
who are in need of God’s help and support at this time.
Father Chris Newman cmf
(St Hugh’s)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...24
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