November 2013 - page 5

You will note that there are now only two
names at the foot of this article. Jim Morris,
who has headed the Village NW Committee
over many years, is leaving the area. He pre-
sided over a period of considerable change in
NW both nationally and locally. He had to deal
with frequent changes to the police structure
forced on it by the financial crisis and the intro-
duction of a new NW organisation and alert
system. His enthusiasm and dedication to the
belief that NW was a cause worth pursuing will
be missed.
The two remaining Committee Members will
endeavour to manage the ongoing changes to
NW to ensure an effective scheme for the resi-
dents of Buckden. The main threat to NW in
Buckden continues to be the steady loss of
members but it is hoped that the new simpler
and more informative and responsive system
now being introduced will prove helpful. More
on this next month!
Recent police reports indicate a rise in burglar-
ies across the District and Buckden suffered a
serious burglary in Greenway in late Septem-
ber. A common factor in most of these incidents
is that the properties were entered through the
rear, mainly insecure patio doors and windows.
Cash and jewellery were the main targets.
Contact telephone numbers.
If you wish to report an incident or suspicious
behaviour, please dial the new
single non-
emergency number 101.
Your village NHW Coordinators are:
Clive Williams 811828
Richard West 811467
Much of my time as your County Councillor has
been spent this past month listening to the
views of residents regarding the A14 proposals,
attending the exhibitions put on by the High-
ways Agency to relay the information regarding
the proposals and attending the parish council
meetings and listening to the views expressed
by parish councillors.
Understandably there is much concern regard-
ing the proposals. Some areas of concern re-
garding the scheme are based around the sug-
gestion of tolling. With regard to tolling, some
areas for concern are the extra cost of tolling for
local people and how tolling the new road will
perhaps encourage A14 road users to find alter-
native routes and the impact that additional car
users on the alternative routes will have.
I have sent a letter with these views and con-
cerns to the Highways Agency and have en-
couraged parish councils and residents to do
the same. If collectively, through the proposed
A14 scheme we can draw attention to the defi-
ciencies of the A1 at Buckden and urge minis-
ters to upgrade the A1 in this area or bypass
Buckden then this would be a great outcome for
At the meetings with the Highways Agency, the
Highways Agency have said that the A1 will be
the focus of a route based strategy in 2014 to
define the issues on this major trunk road and
highlight areas for investment planning in the
This route based strategy will be the first phase
of an attempt to highlight weaknesses on the
road network giving the Highways Agency a
better insight into the need for investment into
the road network in the future.
Cllr Julie Wisson
County Councillor, Buckden Division
07725 791459
01767 677837
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