November 2013 - page 13

Normally we use our space in the Roundabout to update villagers on functions we have had at the Hall,
works we have carried out and to mention fund-raisers and requests for help. This month, we are focus-
ing on why we need to fund raise and why we ask for volunteers. Buckden Village Hall is a Charity. We
do not receive any funding from the Parish Council, or HDC. Without our efforts to continue to promote
the hall to regular users, attract weekend bookings and hold fundraisers, we would not be able to main-
tain the hall and its surroundings in a useable state – safe and clean - or continue to open on a daily
We ask for volunteers to help with fundraising and so forth, as we have a small committee which works
extremely hard to ensure the Hall’s future, and they give a great deal of their time. We are lucky in
Buckden to have a great many talented and skilled people, and we hope that some more of these peo-
ple may be forthcoming.
So this month – we are
asking for volunteers to join our Field Committee
–to help with odd jobs on
and around the field on an irregular basis. If you can help out, however sporadically, please contact Ra-
chel at the Hall on 811101.
Fund Raiser for November is a Race Night
, with fish’n’chips supper, on Saturday 30th Novem-
ber, at 7.30pm. Tickets £7.50 each. It promises to be a fun evening, with a licensed bar, so please
make a date in your diary and join us. Tickets need to be purchased by 23
November from the Village
Hall, and you can also sponsor a race for £10 or purchase a horse for £1.
Christmas Raffle
. Tickets for our Christmas Raffle are on sale now at £1 each from the Hall office.
The draw will take place during the Buckden Christmas Lights switch-on on 1
December, with a 1
Prize of £250.
Finally, our October coffee morning raised £135 – thank you to all those who came along, to the stall
holders for a great variety of products for sale, and the volunteers who made the delicious cakes and
served refreshments.
As I write, we are told that the weather will experience a sharp drop in temperature and our balmy Au-
tumn will be behind us. As you read, we shall no doubt be "in the thick of it." Winter offers many chal-
lenges especially to people who do not get about as nimbly as they used to. Friends in Deed is able to
offer various kinds of support from long term visiting, to single "one off" help like running an errand.
Driving is the occasional help we are most frequently asked for. Other people and agencies also pro-
vide a service and our Transport Manager, Andy Scott has collated a most informative leaflet detailing
all the services professional and voluntary, available to the people of Buckden. Please ask a member of
the Friends in Deed team if you would like a copy.
Another new initiative is being trialled - a "Drop in for a Cup of Tea
" in St. Mary's Living Stones Room,
first Wednesday of the month 2.30 pm - 4.00 pm on a regular basis. It will be more informal than our tea
parties but the company and cake will be there to be enjoyed. Please look out for more information as
this idea progresses.
We hope we shall have met many of you at our AGM in October. Unfortunately, it happens too late for a
report in this edition of Roundabout.
Our Co-ordinator, Chris Lawrence
07810 006598
is always ready to give information or answer calls for
help. Andy Scott
07914 669967
responds to all requests for transport.
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