April 2014 - page 14

Weare introducing oneof the Jewels in theSportingCrownof BuckdenVillage. What would that be? We sense
you asking.
It is a sport played all over theworld, withan interesting historyof war, conquest andaboveall, peace. It is the
most socially adhesive sport devisedbymankind. Somysterious andmagnetic is this sport, that at one time in its
long history it was banned byKings.
In the year 1319, Charles the IVof France banned the game for commonuse. Only noblemenwere allowed to
play. Then in 1361, Edward III King of England decreed that ordinarypeople could not play the game. Fortunately,
wehave becomea littlemoredemocratic and the game is open toall.
Howdid the game first come to our shores?Caesar brought it over with theRoman invasion. They called the
game ‘Bocce’. And donot ask us topronounce it!
But the game goes backmuch further than theRoman Invasion. Probably7000 years. Biased stones have been
discovered that are dated back as oldas 5000 years BC.With that clue, you have guessed that the gamewe are
talkingabout is LawnBowls. Andwedonot want you to rush out anddig upBuckden looking for ancient biased
stones.Wehave plenty of bowls in the club house for newcomers touse in order to find out whether you like the
gameenough to join the club.
The clubopens during the courseof April, weather permitting, and onSunday 27
April we have an open day
where you can come along and seehow you like the game.We haveaLadies’ team and aMen’s team, with a
burgeoning junior section. Mothers bring their children after school onTuesdayafternoons.
We look forward to seeing you, on or after 27
April when the rules and fees of the clubwill be explained to you.
Contact names andnumbers canbe found in theBuckden roundabout.
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