Feb2014 - page 9

Weekly Prayer Roster
Each week during the year the Churches in their prayers, the residents of particular streets in the village, those
who work in the parish and village organizations. Those to be remembered this month are:
2nd February
Farming communities, Taylor’s Lane (West), Hardwick Lane, the residents and staff of Hard-
wick Dene, Great North Road, Brampton Road, Perry Road, Buckden Wood
9th February
High Street, Ivelbury Close, York Yard, Lion Yard, George Lane, King George Court, Taylor’s
Lane (East), Wolsey Gardens, Charles Court
16th February
Hunts End, Copes Close, Monks Cottages, Hunts End Court
23rd February
Manor Gardens, Manor Close, Glebe Lane, The Grove
Buckden & District Churches Together - Study Lunch
The next Study Lunch will be on Monday 10 February from 12.30 to 2.00 pm in the Methodist
School Room, Everyone welcome, Contact: Ann Brittain on 812012
Thought for the month
I am writing this a few hours after reading on BBC On-Line “Mikaeel Kular: Police find body and detain mother”.
The three year old boy Mikaeel was reported missing from his home in Ferry Gait Crescent in the Muirhouse area
of Edinburgh by his mother two days ago. Hundreds of volunteers, people of generous good will, have been
searching for him but the worst possible outcome became true, he has been found dead.
I feel sad, very sad, for the death of this little innocent boy; I feed sad also for all the good neighbours who volun-
teered to search for him as he was for them “their boy”, a member of the extended family which we are called to
be with those living nearby in our villages or towns. But the greatest sadness invaded me when I read “his mother,
named locally as Rosdeep, 33, was detained by police.”
We are not to judge anybody but if proven true our humanity is in crisis. The feeling of sadness became anger
and is to be transformed into prayer. We need to get closer to God the source of all life, and to one another, be-
cause only by improving our relationships will our lives improve and gain meaning. Our happiness depends only
on the quality of our relationships.
Buckden as a community is good, perhaps it can be better, there is always room for improvement. Do we care
enough for our children, for our youth for our elderly citizens? Shall we encourage ourselves to know our neigh-
bour, remove fears and fences and open our hearts and houses so that we can know and care for one another?
This week Churches Together in Buckden remind us to move together towards a deeper unity. As believers, chil-
dren of the same Loving God and Father, we are to become one family. And when our faith is weak or even not
existing we still share in the same humanity. Let’s enter unity in our agendas; meantime be kind to one another,
as a Japanese proverb goes “One kind word can warm three winter months”, ideal slogan for February; and none
of our “Mikaeels” will go missing and we all will have life to the fullest.
Fr. Angel Ochagavia, cmf
Claretian Missionary
at the Towers, Buckden
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