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Weekly Prayer Roster

Each week during the year the Churches, in their prayers, remember the residents of particular streets in the vil-

lage, those who work in the parish and village organizations. Those to be remembered this month are:

3rd July

Mayfield, Springfield Way, The Osiers, Stirtloe

10th July

Vineyard Way, Burberry Road, Swan End, Lark End, The Library and its librarians

17th July

The churches of the village: St Hugh’s, St Mary’s, Buckden Methodist Church, also Offord and

Perry Baptist Churches, members of home groups from these and other local churches, min-

isters and all who make our churches welcoming and worshipful places

24th July

Church Street, Mill Road, The Barns, The Old Flour Mills

31st July

The Parish Council, The Village Hall and Playing Field Trust; those who help to run the Village

Hall, and the activities there


The regular monthly study lunches continue on Monday July11th.

There is no lunch in August, they resume in September

Methodist Church Hall 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm Contact:

Ann Brittain



Thought for the month

This Summer finds us in celebratory mood. As I write this (in June) we are celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday,

a good excuse for parties, parades and services as we give thanks for her life of service and her example of faith.

It is easy to dread the aging process rather than celebrate the achievement of old age but in scripture the prophet

Isaiah gives God's promise 'I will be your God through all your lifetime, yes, even when your hair is white with age.

I made you and will care for you. I will carry you along and be your saviour.' (Isaiah 46, verses 3-4) That's certainly

something to celebrate.

Perhaps you have your own causes for celebration this summer: family events such as weddings, maybe, and a

reminder of all we have to be thankful for. Here in the village on the first of this month we are marking wartime

service of Captain John Green VC with the unveiling of a commemorative paving stone - a solemn event but a

celebration nevertheless.

In contrasting mood, I hope you're all ready to celebrate Carnival as you read this!

The village festival is getting underway with its carnival theme, which gives us a wonderful opportunity to come

together and support and celebrate the life of our very special community of Buckden. As part of the programme,

Buckden and District Churches Together will be in the village hall at 11a.m. on Sunday 3rd July for a cheering,

carnival-themed service to give thanks to God for this lovely village and the people in it. Everyone is welcome. Do

come along: there's so much to celebrate!!

A message from Revd. Ron Ingamells

For the last 13 years I have been fortunate to share in the ministry at St. Mary’s Church, with 3 vicars and other

colleagues. St. Mary’s is a great church and needs to be valued and supported by the whole community of Buck-

den. I often think how deprived we would be if all the parish churches of England had to be made redundant.

Sharing in the ministry also means being involved with people in their best and happiest times as well as their

worst and most devastating times. This has been my privilege.

I was also pleased to support the fund raising for the very necessary extension of the Living Stones Room. I hope

that the concerts which I inaugurated will continue to be supported and enjoyed. As I move to Norfolk I do so with

many happy memories of Buckden and its people.