Buckden Women's Institute
Meets at Millard Suite, Buckden Village Hall, Buckden. Meet 1st Tue 7.30pm.
Contact Judith Armitage – Tel: 01480 811717
Monday Club
We are an informal social group for retired ladies who meet fortnightly from 2.30 to 4pm in the Millard Room at Buckden Village Hall.
We enjoy a cup of tea and a chat and participate in a raffle. About once a month we invite a speaker, or organise an activity. We also have an occasional outing, and a Christmas lunch at a local venue.
We welcome new members and lifts can be arranged for those needing one.
For further information please contact Jane Scott on 01480 811468 or Betty Millard on 01480 810087.
Gentlemen’s Breakfast at The Vine
Held at 8.30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month.
Contact Richard Storey on 07890 862402 or Alan Williams on 01480 812256.
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