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Buckden Roundabout

March 2020

Church News

Weekly Prayer Roster

Each week during the year the Churches, in their prayers, remember the residents of particular streets in the village, those who

work in the parish and village organisations. Those to be remembered this month are:

1st March

Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows, Playgroup and Day Nursery, Buck-

den out of Schools Scheme, Buckden Towers Youth Retreat Centre

8th March

Mayfield, Springfield Close, The Osiers, Stirtloe

15th March

Vineyard Way, Burberry Road, Swan End, Lark End, The Library and its librarians

22nd March

The churches of the village: St Hugh’s, St Mary’s, Buckden Methodist Church, also Perry Baptist

Church, members of home groups from these and other local churches, ministers and all who

make our churches welcoming and worshipful places

29th March

Church Street, Mill Road, The Barns, The Old Flour Mills

Thought for the Month

Greetings in the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus

built his community after a long period of personal develop-

ment and transformation. Previously he learned to be free

and loving. He acquired the necessary communication skills

and all other capabilities required to achieve his mission.

Therefore, his own personal experience of the father and de-

velopment are the cornerstone of the community that pro-

longs his liberating and salvific work on earth. Usually, action

means life, power, transformation. Therefore, the level of

behaviours and positive experience empowers people. Infor-

mation has a high value in our days. Still, knowledge without

action remains infertile. That’s why Jesus declares: “It is not

anyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, who will enter the king-

dom of heaven but the person who does the will of my father

in heaven… therefore everyone who listens to these words of

mine and acts on them will be like the sensible man who built

his house on rock” (Mt. 7: 21, 24-25).

Therefore, we are called to put into action what we have

learned from Jesus. When we try to put into practice the

knowledge and information that we have about Jesus, this will

lead to the reality, i.e. Jesus Christ. Our internal dialogue –

thoughts, mental strategies, plans – plays a central role in the

process of getting the best side of reality. This level of our

mind, the level of thinking, is sometimes related with our

heart in the biblical language. At this level we display our ca-

pabilities, either to do good or to do evil.

Most of the time, on this level of capabilities, our thinking

makes use of words. Therefore, words reveal our thoughts

and mental strategies. If we think or utter positive words,

then we empower ourselves or others. “For words flow out of

what fills the heart. Good people draw good things from the

store of goodness; bad people draw bad things from the store

of badness” (Mt. 12:34-35). From this perspective it is easier

to understand the importance that Jesus gives to words. They

may empower or disempower us; they may give life or death.

“So, I tell you this, that for every unfounded word people

utter they will answer on judgment day. Since it is by your

words you will be justified, and by your words con-

demned” (Mt. 12:36-37).

My dear brothers and sisters, there are many reasons to con-

sider Jesus as the greatest leader throughout history. One of

them is his ability to empower people at the deepest level, i.e.

at the level of identity. When he starts his preaching, accord-

ing to the sermon on the mount, he shows the beauty, radi-

ance and power of people’s identity: “You are the light of the

world” (Mt 5:14). Jesus empowers his followers by deepening

their identity on the spiritual level. After he has said, “you are

the light of the world,” he adds, “Your light must shine in peo-

ple’s sight, so that, seeing your good works, they may give

praise to your Father in heaven” (Mt 5:16).

The role of Christians is to receive the light of Christ and radi-

ate it to everyone as love, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, hum-

ble service, respect for those with different ethnic back-

grounds, different lifestyles, other faiths, or with no faith at

all. With a little bit of Christ’s Light, we become a veritable

lighthouse, illuminating the way for many and removing the

darkness caused by hatred, spite and jealousy. I wish you all a

good preparation of Lent for the meaningful celebration of


Rev. Antony Arockiam, CMF St. Hugh’s Catholic Church

World Day

of Prayer

Friday 6 March 2020

Methodist Church, 10 am

Come and join us for a lovely service this year

written by the

women of Zimbabwe

All welcome!