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Read the Buckden Roundabout

Apr2024 thumbnail

For many years the Buckden Roundabout has been delivered to every home in Buckden.  Now it's available on-line too. See how easy it is to read it - just click below:

Go straight to July edition


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Below is a schedule of regular events being organised in Buckden along with contact details for the organisers. If you would like your event added please contact the editor via the website.

 Regular events Jan2019v5

This is the place to come if you want to know what's happening in Buckden. We have three different ways for you to keep on top of all the things you can do and places you can go in our busy village:


  •  The Regular Event Schedule: this is a schedule of events that happen every week at the same time and place. If you are looking for something to do, say on Wednesday evenings every week, this is the place to go.  

Regular Event Schedule


  • The Calendar of Events: this is a calendar that displays both regular and one-off village events. If you want to see what's happening on any particular day, then this is the place to go. If you are organising an event, it is a useful resource to avoid clashes. The closest events are displayed on the home page of the website.

Calendar of Events


  • Announcements: This is where you can find short articles on upcoming events or things which are of interest to Buckden residents. We tweet and post on Facebook when there are new articles here so follow us on Twitter or like our Facebook page.


Village Clubs & Organisations

We have a directory of Village clubs and organisations. Categories include children's organisations, adult organisations, exercise and sport clubs, music and book groups, Churches, clubs and societies for hobbies and interests, where to get advice and support, and venues for meetings and gatherings.

Directory of village organisations

Village Events

Check out the various resources in the village and announcements of upcoming events. We plan to keep this list up to date, so if you want to find out what is going on in Buckden this is the place to come. You can also check out the news ticker on the left hand side of this page for the latest news about events in the village.

Find out about village stuff

The Forum

The Roundabout is not just about the magazine and one-way communication. It's about discussion too. We are hosting a web forum where you will be able to chew the fat about anything and everything to do with Buckden. Anyone can read the forum, but to post messages you will need to register as a member of the website and forum and then log in.

Go to the forum


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