January 2014 - page 5

Neighbourhood Watch
The new NW structure, web site and alerting
system described last month is now well estab-
lished and, with a few exceptions, is working
well. Some 35 NW members in Buckden are
now receiving regular police crime reports and
advice soon after they have been received by
your Coordinators. You can join them by letting
one of us have your eMail address. As ex-
plained last month, it will be used solely for this
purpose and will not be divulged to others. As
we do not forward information not relevant to
Buckden, there are unlikely to be more than
two or three eMails a month.
There was only one significant crime in Buck-
den in November - on the 18
a brick was
thrown through a rear window of a house in
Lucks Lane and the house was entered and
jewellery and cash were stolen.
Cat flaps.
In three recent burglaries in Hunting-
don, access to the houses was gained by
reaching the door key through the cat flaps!
Please ensure that no keys or valuables are
accessible through cat flaps or letter boxes.
Scams are in the news again as they
become increasingly complex and innovative.
For example, fraudsters have been calling peo-
ple in the middle of the night claiming to be po-
lice who have arrested a criminal with a sub-
stantial amount of money on them and a list of
names and addresses, including theirs.
The phoney officer advises them to call their
bank using the number on the back of their
bank card or the police on 101. Needless to
say the fraudster keeps the line open and
makes arrangements to send a courier to col-
lect their card and pin number!
Contact telephone numbers.
If you wish to report an incident or suspicious
behaviour, please dial the new
single non-
emergency number 101.
Your village NHW Coordinators are:
Clive Williams 811828
Richard West 811467
From several emails that I have received from
residents in Buckden I am aware of the concern
over icy roads and pavements. I have spoken to
a representative from Highways regarding this
matter and I have been asked to try and find a
Winter Gritting Volunteer in the community. This
involves a volunteer being trained to use a hand
push along machine (similar to a lawn mower )
and this volunteer then going out when asked
by the council and gritting pavements on a set
route. The volunteer would be covered under
the insurance of the Highways. If any one is in-
terested in taking on this role in Buckden please
contact me. I look forward to serving all the resi-
dents of Buckden in 2014.
If you would like any more information please
contact me.
Cllr Julie Wisson
County Councillor, Buckden Division
07725 791459
01767 677837
Buckden4Business would like to thank the
Buckden Parish Council and the following for
their help and support in making the Buckden
Christmas Lights Celebration 2013 such a won-
derful occasion:
Road Closure Team
Black Cat Radio
The Vine
The Lion
The George
Santa and his helpers
Steve and Claire McDonagh
Stall Holders
and last but not least to all of you who came
along with friends and family
This event is organised by a small team of peo-
ple giving their time and enthusiasm.
If you would like to join us next year in giving
something back to the village, contact the
Christmas Lights Team at buckden4busi-
Ruth, Ellen, Jeanette, Clare and Mark
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,...24
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